You can make a difference in your city or neighborhood. Let us help you discover your call and live it out in real ways that impact the world for the common good.
faith, works, mercy +justice
Join one of our immersive faith and works cohort.
Sankofa cohorts
Does it feel like your ministry is on its last legs? Do you feel stagnant in where you believe your church should be at the point? Join our Sankofa Cohort(s). Sankofa is an African word derived from the Twi language of the Akan people of Ghana. The term is characterized by a bird whose head and beak are pointed back at its tail. It symbolizes the African principle that to move forward, you must first look back. The Sankofa Project is designed to take African American congregations through a learning journey in which they look back at the heritage of the African American church to inform how they might revitalize and flourish amid a rapidly changing context and mission field.